We welcome you to the Samsara Tibetan singing bowl therapy!
Get to know the world’s largest Tibetan singing bowl, as listed in the Guiness Book of World Records!

We welcome you to the Samsara Tibetan singing bowl therapy!
Get to know the world’s largest Tibetan singing bowl, as listed in the Guiness Book of World Records!

SAMSARA is currently the world's largest sound bowl. It weighs over 2.5 tonnes and is 233 cm in diameter. Because of its size and power, SAMSARA is a huge opportunity for the healing, relaxing and mind-breathing effects of singing bowls to be enjoyed many times over by its listeners.
Apart from being a unique piece of healing equipment, it was made following a traditional Tibetan recipe. In order to maintain the continuity of the singing bowl, a small bowl was melted into it in the process. The shrine was blessed by the respectable Jigthub Rinpoche at the inauguration ceremony. Its grand size allows for people to sit or lie inside the bowl during the therapy, letting its deep sounds penetrate our cells thoroughly, leading to a more amplified healing experience.

One of the many miracles one can find in Garab is the SAMSARA singing bowl therapy, that provides for a unique therapeutic experience.
The experience is conducted using smaller singing bowls, gongs and other special sound therapeutic equipment, enhancing our inner unity, peace and tranquillity.
On these occasions, the clients have the chance of experiencing the healing effects of Samsara alongside a concert of the unique, fine-tuned chimes.
The resonance of the bowls permeates the whole atmosphere of the shrine the same way it enters our bodies.
Our therapists all use unique techniques and equipment to further improve the experience of our guests.
A majority of them allows participants to lie inside Samsara during the session, amplifying their perception of the resonance.
Sound baths within the Shrines:
- Big group therapies (up to 25 people)
- Small group therapies (a group/family of 3-8)
- Therapies for partners (2 persons)
- Individual therapies (1 person)
Singing bowl treatments in the Shrines:
- Small groups/family treatments (a group/family of 3-5)
- Treatments for partners (2 persons)
- Individual treatments (1 person)
The treatments provide a meditative, stress-relieving, body-mind improving experience, one like no other.
We invite you to experience this phenomenal opportunity at Grabensia with us!
We advise against consuming alcohol and other drugs on the day of the treatments.
To achieve optimal results, its best to keep electrical smog at a minimum (television, cinema, notebook, loud music, etc.).
Our experience shows that resting and consuming plenty of water can greatly improve the outcome
We advise against the therapy if the following applies to you:
- Pacemaker
- Recent surgery or major injury (within the past 6 weeks): please consult your singing bowl therapist)
- Epilepsy, Thrombosis
- You are under severe psychiatric treatment
- In case of other possibly relevant illnesses
- High fever
- Untreated high blood pressure
- First 1-3 months of pregnancy; after that at your own risk
Our services aim to maintain good health and enhance our clients’ physical well-being. They do not qualify as healing activities and can therefore not be used to replace medical examinations, medical diagnosis and conventional medicinal treatments.
Our singing bowl professionals
Price changes for our sound baths from 1 January 2025!
We would like to inform you that the prices for our sound baths and sound bowl treatments will be updated as of January 1, 2025.
Vouchers purchased in 2024 before the 2025 price change must be redeemed by 30.06.2025 !
Thank you for your understanding and continued trust! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
17.000,- HUF / person
(2-10 people 60 min | 10+ 90 min)
60.000,- HUF / 60 minutes
27.000,- HUF / person / 60 minutes
22.000,- HUF / person / 90 minutes
28.000,- HUF / person / 2 x 60 minutes
32.000,- HUF / person / 2 x 90 minutes
50% discount to the above-listed prices.
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Szállásfoglaláshoz recepciónk elérhetőségei: KLIKK IDE
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3067 Garáb, Petőfi út 41.
+36 20 523 1878
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